Rowland Park Junior Draw

Click Here for Rowland Park Field Layout

Week 9 – 9 December 2024 

This is our final round. Each team will share in a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts after their game. Please send a parent to collect from the control table. Merry Christmas! You will notice that some teams may be playing another team from a different grade – hopefully these are matched up ability wise.

FINAL WEEK CHALLENGE. Be good to each other! Play in your craziest Christmas Outfit.

The Rowland Park Junior Competition is a non competitive competition.

We are all here to develop our touch skills and have some fun.

Any draw issues please email:

* Two Games this week

Time Field Opposition Opposition
4.10pm 1A Kenso Girl Power V Red Devils
1B The Blues V St Bernards Thunder
2A Roosters Mixed 10s V Rainbow Warriors 12G
2B MSC Blue Bottles V Turbo Touches
3A Junior Jewels V Cookies and Cream Dream Team
3B St Bernard’s Lightning 10MX V * MSC Red 10B
4A Mini Untouchables 12G V Slammers 10B
4B Kenso Kookaburras 8B V Dragons Girls 8G
5 Kenso United V Coogee Cheetahs
6 V
7 Fierce Girls V OLR Untouchables
8 Kenso Bears 12B V Kenso Knights 14B
4.50pm 1A Touchdown Tornados V Kenso Rainbow Unicorns
1B Bowens Flooring Frogs 8’s V Mini Arrows 10B
2A Untouchable Lions 8B V * MSC Red 10B
2B Can’t Touch This 10B V St Spyridon White 12B
3A Bowen’s Flooring Frogs 10s V Kenso Crocs
3B MSC Green V Raptors
4 MSC Yellow V MSC Orange
5 Mighty Dinos V Roosters Boys
6 Untouchable Dolphins 10B V St Spyridon Blue 12B
7 Kambala Yellow 12G V Green Arrows 14B
8 Kambala Blue V Wonder Warriors
5.30pm 1 U 10 Boys & Girls JSC Training 5:30 – 6:30
2 Lightning Arrows 14B V Rivalz 12B
3 Dashing Divas V Tiny Tornados
4 U14 Girls JSC Training 5:30 – 6:30
5 V
6 V
7 Touchdown V SEFC
8 Shooting Arrows 14B V Mighty Untouchables 14G
6.10pm 1 U 10 Boys & Girls JSC Training 5:30 – 6:30
2 U12 Boys JSC Training 6:15 – 7:45
3 U12 Girls JSC Training 6:15 – 7:45
8 U16 Boys JSC Trials 6:15 – 7:45 tbc